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Smilla Lynggaard

Welcome to the world of the strong-willed child…

I know when that when up in here, it is becourse you think you are a lost case and no one can help you or your family!

But do you know what? I have seen so many families who thought so and who had actually given up. But with help they have created the change that they have long dreamed of … So don’t give up.

You CAN change your family. It takes a lot of small and actually quite easy changes and exercise for a while, but then you will experience great change.


Have you read my most read blog-post: 3 myths about the strong-willed child


You can get my help anywhere in the world.. i am used to counsel via Skype.. Go and read more

My way of thinking

It is never about guilt and blame here, it is always about solving the problems in a easy and safe way…And you will be surprised how fast you can change things at your place, when you have the right tools…